
Are there any other time slots available for live sessions?

Unfortunately not, But we will share the recordings of the class for you to practice in case you miss out on the live session.

Which style of yoga will be taught?

On different days different forms of yoga such as Hatha, Ashtanga vinyasa, Yin Yoga, Pranayama, and meditation.

Who are the teachers and are they certified?

All teachers are certified and experienced They are from different parts of India holding knowledge in their specific expertise like therapy, meditation, physical practice, etc.

How can I be ready for the class?

You will need a device such as a laptop, iPad, or Tv to join the class. Bigger the screen better the experience. Come to class mostly empty stomach. So if you want to eat something then have it at least 1 hour before the class. Wear comfortable clothes in which you can move freely. Keep […]

Can my kids join?

They are most welcome but please keep it in mind these sessions are not specifically designed for kids. We are starting a different batch for kids starting from the 6th of March. It is a free yoga camp for Kids. You can sign up here:https://strongbyyoga.com/14-day-yoga-marathon-kids/

Can I attend with my wife/husband/partner?

Sure, together is better. We encourage you to bring your family and friends along. Consider this as family time.

I am a beginner, is this the right place to start practicing yoga?

Yes, our classes are super beginner friendly in fact the whole purpose of holding this event is to help people get started with their Yoga journey.

Where will the classes happen?

The classes will happen over zoom. We will share the class link at least 12 hours before the class time in the WhatsApp Group.

Can I book multiple sessions in one go?

Yes, you can book multiple sessions in one go.

Can I reschedule my session?

Yes, you can reschedule your session anytime before the start time of your session.

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